Tuesday 27 June 2023


 The Foundation of Trust in Leadership

#LeadershipTruths #HonestLeaders

Trust is an essential component of effective leadership, and truth and honesty serve as the bedrock upon which trust is built. In today's world, where skepticism towards leaders is common, it is imperative for leaders to embrace transparency and authenticity. By embodying truth and honesty, leaders can foster trust among their team members and create a positive and thriving work environment.

Honest leaders prioritize clear and open communication. They provide their team members with accurate and timely information, sharing both successes and challenges. By being transparent about the organization's goals, strategies, and decisions, leaders empower their teams to make informed decisions and feel a sense of ownership and purpose in their work.

Honesty in leadership extends beyond sharing information. It also involves integrity in actions and accountability for one's words and promises. Honest leaders lead by example, consistently demonstrating ethical behavior and making decisions based on moral principles. This consistency and authenticity inspire trust and loyalty among team members.

Trust is crucial for fostering a collaborative and innovative work culture. When team members trust their leaders, they feel comfortable sharing their ideas, taking risks, and providing constructive feedback. Honest leaders create an environment where diverse perspectives are valued, and everyone feels heard and respected. This encourages creativity, boosts morale, and drives organizational success.

Honesty also plays a significant role in handling difficult situations and conflicts. Honest leaders address challenges directly and openly, without evading responsibility. They engage in courageous conversations, seeking resolution and growth rather than avoidance. This approach builds resilience, enhances problem-solving skills, and strengthens the bonds between leaders and their teams.

To be effective leaders, we must embrace truth and honesty as guiding principles. By cultivating a culture of transparency, authenticity, and accountability, leaders can inspire trust, foster collaboration, and nurture the growth and development of their teams. Let us strive to be leaders who lead with integrity, empower others through honest communication, and create environments where trust flourishes.

Saturday 24 June 2023

Embracing Unity, Justice, Peace, and Love: Building a Better Zambia


In a world filled with turmoil and discord, the values of unity, justice, peace, and love are essential for fostering a harmonious society. These principles hold particular significance for the beautiful nation of Zambia, where diversity and a shared history have shaped its identity. By embracing these values, we can work together to build a better Zambia—a nation that thrives on inclusivity, fairness, tranquility, and compassion.

Unity: Strength in Diversity

Zambia, known as the "Land of the Eagle," is a country blessed with diverse ethnicities, languages, cultures, and traditions. It is within this vibrant tapestry of diversity that the strength of our unity lies. Embracing unity means recognizing and celebrating our differences, viewing them as assets that enrich our collective experience.

As Zambians, let us bridge the gaps that divide us by seeking common ground, respecting one another's perspectives, and fostering an environment of understanding. Together, we can build bridges of unity that transcend ethnic, regional, and social divisions, paving the way for a stronger and more cohesive nation.

Justice: Ensuring Equality and Fairness

Justice serves as the cornerstone of a thriving society. It is the guarantee of equal rights, opportunities, and treatment for all individuals, regardless of their background. In Zambia, promoting justice means addressing social inequalities, fighting against discrimination, and ensuring access to quality education, healthcare, and employment opportunities for every citizen.

Let us strive for a Zambia where justice prevails, where every voice is heard, and where fairness prevails in the distribution of resources. By working together to eliminate corruption and promote transparency in our institutions, we can create a society where justice becomes a living reality for all.

Peace: Embracing Tranquility and Reconciliation

Zambia has a proud history of being a beacon of peace in a region often plagued by conflict. As we navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing world, maintaining and nurturing peace becomes ever more crucial. Peace is not merely the absence of conflict; it is a state of harmony and understanding among individuals and communities.

In our daily lives, let us embody the principles of peace by promoting dialogue, practicing empathy, and seeking peaceful resolutions to conflicts. By cultivating a culture of forgiveness and reconciliation, we can heal wounds, mend relationships, and build a peaceful Zambia that serves as a shining example to the world.

Love: A Foundation for Transformation

Love is a universal language that transcends boundaries and connects us all. It is through love that we can transform our communities and nation. Love breeds compassion, kindness, and a genuine concern for the well-being of others. By embracing love as a guiding principle, we can create a Zambia where empathy and solidarity are the driving forces behind our actions.

Let love guide us in our interactions, inspiring us to uplift one another, support those in need, and promote social welfare. Together, we can foster a culture of love that extends beyond our immediate circles, creating a ripple effect of positive change throughout Zambia.


Unity, justice, peace, and love form the bedrock of a prosperous and inclusive Zambia. As individuals, we have the power to embody these values and make a difference in our communities. By embracing unity, advocating for justice, fostering peace, and spreading love, we can build a brighter future for Zambia—one where diversity is celebrated, equality is upheld, harmony is cherished, and compassion reigns supreme. Let us join hands and work together to create a Zambia that truly embodies the ideals of unity, justice, peace, and love.

Friday 26 May 2023


I believe in one God, the Creator of all, who is loving, merciful, and just.

I believe in the existence of a single divine being who is the source of all creation. This God is characterized by boundless love, mercy, and justice. This belief acknowledges the oneness of God and the understanding that all of creation is intricately connected through this divine Creator. The concept of a loving God teaches us to embrace compassion and empathy towards others, while the mercy of God reminds us of the forgiveness and second chances available to us. Additionally, the just nature of God inspires us to strive for fairness and righteousness in our actions and interactions with others.

I believe in love and compassion, embracing the commandment to love God with all our being and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Love and compassion are central tenets of our faith. We recognize the commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, acknowledging that our relationship with the divine is rooted in a profound love and devotion. This love extends beyond our personal connection with God and encompasses our relationships with fellow human beings. We are called to treat others with the same love and care that we have for ourselves, fostering a sense of empathy, understanding, and kindness. By embracing love and compassion, we seek to create a world filled with harmony, where all individuals are valued and supported.

I believe in seeking justice and fairness, upholding the inherent equality of all human beings, regardless of race, ethnicity, or social status.

Justice and fairness are essential principles in our faith. We believe that every human being possesses inherent dignity and worth, regardless of their background. We are called to advocate for justice and stand against oppression, discrimination, and inequality. In our pursuit of justice, we strive to ensure that all individuals are treated fairly, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, or social status. This commitment to justice encourages us to address systemic issues, promote equal opportunities, and work towards a more just and equitable society for all.

I believe in the pursuit of truth, honesty, and integrity, recognizing that speaking the truth and acting justly are beloved by God.

Truth, honesty, and integrity form the bedrock of our faith. We understand that truth is a divine attribute and that seeking truth is a lifelong journey. We are called to embrace honesty in our interactions, both with ourselves and with others. Honesty requires us to be sincere and truthful in our words and actions, aligning ourselves with the higher principles upheld by our faith. By upholding truth and acting with integrity, we honor the divine and strive to build trust and harmony in our communities.

I believe in the sacredness of peace and unity, striving to be peacemakers and fostering brotherhood and sisterhood among all believers.

Peace and unity hold great significance in our faith. We believe that peace is not merely the absence of conflict but the presence of harmony and reconciliation. As believers, we are called to be peacemakers, actively seeking ways to resolve conflicts and promote understanding. We recognize that we are all part of one human family, and fostering a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among all believers is essential. By nurturing peace and unity, we contribute to a world where compassion, empathy, and respect are the guiding principles.

I believe in the interconnectedness of all life, valuing the preservation and protection of the environment and treating all living beings with kindness and respect.

The interconnectedness of all life is a fundamental principle of our faith. We recognize that every living being is part of a delicate web of existence, and our actions have a profound impact on the world around us. We strive to be stewards of the Earth, valuing the preservation and protection of the environment. Our commitment to environmental responsibility includes sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and promoting harmony with the natural world. Furthermore, we believe in treating all living beings with kindness and respect, acknowledging the inherent worth and rights of every creature.

I believe in the power of wisdom and reconciliation, seeking to resolve conflicts through peaceful means and embracing the guidance of the Divine.

Wisdom and reconciliation are cherished virtues in our faith. We recognize the value of seeking knowledge, guidance, and understanding through the pursuit of wisdom. Wisdom enables us to make sound judgments and decisions, rooted in deep reflection and understanding. Additionally, we are called to embrace the path of reconciliation, seeking peaceful resolutions to conflicts and disagreements. By fostering dialogue, understanding, and forgiveness, we can heal divisions and build bridges of unity. We believe that the divine guidance provided by our faith serves as a beacon of light, illuminating the path of wisdom and reconciliation.

I believe in the importance of self-reflection and personal growth, journeying towards a deeper understanding of our faith and aligning ourselves with the divine harmony.

Self-reflection and personal growth are essential elements of our faith. We understand that the journey of faith is ongoing and requires introspection and self-evaluation. Through self-reflection, we seek to deepen our understanding of our faith, the divine teachings, and their application in our lives. This process of self-discovery allows us to align ourselves with the divine harmony and live in accordance with the values and principles upheld by our faith. Personal growth involves nurturing virtues, developing character, and striving for spiritual maturity, enabling us to make a positive impact in the world around us.

I believe in the diversity of human experience and the richness of cultural expressions, celebrating our differences while recognizing our shared humanity.

The diversity of human experience and the richness of cultural expressions are embraced and celebrated in our faith. We recognize that each individual brings a unique perspective and contributes to the tapestry of humanity. We appreciate the beauty of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions, recognizing that they enrich our collective understanding of the world. While celebrating our differences, we also acknowledge our shared humanity, emphasizing the universal values that unite us. This inclusive outlook fosters a sense of respect, acceptance, and cooperation, creating a harmonious environment where all are valued and celebrated.

I believe in the power of prayer, meditation, and contemplation to connect with the Divine and find solace, guidance, and strength.

Prayer, meditation, and contemplation are powerful tools for spiritual connection in our faith. Through prayer, we communicate with the Divine, expressing our gratitude, seeking guidance, and offering supplication. Meditation allows us to quiet our minds, find inner peace, and deepen our connection with the divine presence within us and around us. Contemplation of divine teachings, nature, and the mysteries of existence opens our hearts and minds to receive spiritual insights and gain a deeper understanding of the divine wisdom. Through these practices, we find solace in times of challenge, guidance in times of confusion, and strength to navigate the complexities of life.

I commit myself to living a life of service, compassion, and love, dedicated to promoting harmony, justice, and peace in the world.

We commit ourselves to a life of service, compassion, and love as an expression of our faith. Recognizing the interconnectedness of all life, we understand that our actions impact the well-being of others. We strive to serve humanity with selflessness, recognizing the inherent dignity of every person. Our commitment to compassion and love extends beyond our immediate communities, encompassing all of humanity. We dedicate ourselves to promoting harmony, justice, and peace, working towards a world where all individuals can thrive and live in accordance with the divine principles of our faith.

Saturday 20 May 2023


 A recent study conducted by Harvard University has unveiled a compelling connection between feelings of loneliness and the levels of a blood-clotting protein that can contribute to heart attacks and strokes. It is already known that social isolation triggers the "fight or flight" stress response, leading to an increase in fibrinogen, a protein associated with blood clotting in anticipation of injury and blood loss. However, excessive levels of fibrinogen can be detrimental to health, elevating blood pressure and causing the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries.

To investigate further, Harvard researchers compared the levels of this blood-clotting protein with the size of individuals' social networks, including friends and family. The findings demonstrated a clear correlation—when the number of social connections diminished, the level of fibrinogen escalated.

Interestingly, individuals with a mere five individuals in their social network exhibited a 20 percent higher fibrinogen level compared to those with 25 connections. Remarkably, having 10 to 12 fewer friends than the average had a similar impact on fibrinogen levels as engaging in smoking.

Lead author Dr. David Kim from Harvard Medical School highlighted the significance of comprehensively assessing a person's social network, as it can provide crucial insights into their cardiac risk, which might not be evident to the individuals themselves. He emphasized, "Social connectedness exhibits a noteworthy association with fibrinogen. If there is an independent causal relationship between social isolation and fibrinogen, leading to heart disease and stroke, then policies and interventions aimed at enhancing social connectedness could potentially yield health benefits beyond the well-known advantages of improved economic conditions."

Thursday 18 May 2023

Zambia: Embracing the Promising Path to a Bright Future


Nestled in the heart of southern Africa, Zambia, known as the "Real Africa," stands as a land of vast potential and untapped opportunities. With a rich cultural heritage, breathtaking natural wonders, and a resilient population, Zambia is poised to shape its own destiny and pave the way towards a promising future. In this post, we explore the potential of Zambia and the key factors that contribute to its journey towards progress, development, and prosperity.

Economic Diversification:

Zambia's future lies in its commitment to economic diversification. While blessed with an abundance of natural resources, such as copper, cobalt, and agricultural land, the nation recognizes the importance of reducing reliance on a single sector. Efforts are underway to promote sectors like tourism, manufacturing, renewable energy, and technology, aiming to create a robust and resilient economy that can weather global challenges.

Infrastructure Development:

A solid foundation is essential for progress, and Zambia understands the significance of infrastructure development. The government has embarked on ambitious projects to improve transportation networks, energy accessibility, and telecommunication systems. Investments in road and rail networks, renewable energy projects, and expanding internet connectivity will enhance trade, boost productivity, and facilitate innovation.

Human Capital Investment:

Recognizing that its greatest asset is its people, Zambia is placing a strong emphasis on investing in human capital. Education and skills development programs are being prioritized to equip the younger generation with the knowledge and expertise needed to thrive in a dynamic global landscape. By nurturing talents, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting research and innovation, Zambia is building a skilled workforce ready to shape its future.

Sustainable Development:

Zambia's commitment to sustainable development serves as a guiding principle for its future trajectory. Preserving its diverse ecosystems, such as the iconic Victoria Falls and national parks, is paramount. The promotion of responsible tourism, conservation efforts, and sustainable agricultural practices ensures the preservation of natural resources for future generations. Additionally, Zambia aims to harness renewable energy sources to reduce carbon emissions and create a greener and more sustainable future.

Regional Integration and Collaboration:

In an interconnected world, Zambia recognizes the importance of regional integration and collaboration. Actively participating in regional organizations, such as the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union (AU), Zambia seeks to foster partnerships, enhance trade, and promote socio-economic development across the continent. By embracing collaboration, Zambia can tap into a broader market, share knowledge and resources, and propel its growth.


Zambia's future holds immense promise and potential. With a steadfast commitment to economic diversification, infrastructure development, human capital investment, sustainable practices, and regional collaboration, the nation is forging a path towards progress, prosperity, and a brighter future for its people. As Zambia harnesses its natural resources, cultural heritage, and the resilience of its population, it paves the way for a new era—a time when Zambia's potential becomes a reality, and its place on the global stage is solidified. Together, let us witness Zambia's journey towards a future brimming with opportunities and achievements.

Friday 20 January 2023

Women in Business-Entrepreneurship Training for Girls


Women in business are a growing force and they are changing the way the world does business. They are the leaders of tomorrow and they have a lot to offer the world. In this blog post, we are going to be discussing entrepreneurship training for girls. This training will teach you the skills you need to start and run your own business. You will learn how to identify your unique selling proposition, how to create a business plan, how to market your business, and much more. By the end of this training, you will be able to start and run your own business confidently. So whether you are a young woman looking to break into the business world or an entrepreneur who wants to train new generations of women in business, this blog post is for you. Thank you for reading!

1. The importance of women in business

There are many benefits to having women in business. Not only do they bring a different perspective and set of skills to the table, but they also have a tendency to be more creative. This is not to say that men can't be creative, but when it comes to business, women tend to see things in a different light.

This creativity can be a great asset when starting or running a business. For example, a woman may be better at thinking outside the box when it comes to marketing a product. She may also be better at dealing with people, which can come in handy when selling a product or service.

There are many resources available to help women in business start and grow their businesses. Entrepreneurship training for girls is a great way to get started. This type of training will teach you the basics of business, such as how to identify and analyze your business goals, how to market your business, and how to effectively manage your finances.

2. The importance of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is the birth of new businesses. It's the process of designing, launching, and running a business with the goal of making an income. The good news is that there are many women in business, and they're doing an amazing job!

There are many benefits to being a woman in business. For one, you're likely to have a different perspective on business than most men. Women often have a different take on customer service, are better at multitasking, and have a stronger network of friends and family.

Women also bring a different set of skills to the table. More often than not, women are better problem solvers and are more creative than men. This is an essential skill for any business, and it's especially important in the world of entrepreneurship.

In addition to these skills, women are often better at networking. As a woman, you're likely to have more connections than most men, and this can be a huge advantage when starting a business.

Finally, women are often better at taking feedback and turning it into positive change. This is something that is essential in any business, but it's especially important in the world of entrepreneurship.

If you're interested in starting your own business, or you're a woman who is interested in entrepreneurship, then you should definitely check out some of the resources available here at The Women's Business Center. We have a wide variety of resources to help you start, grow, and succeed in your business journey.

3. The importance of having a business plan

Having a business plan is essential if you want your business to be successful. A business plan will outline the goals of your business, the financials, marketing strategies, and any other important information. Without a business plan, it's very difficult to know where you are going and how you are going to get there.
A business plan is not just for established businesses. Even if you have just started your business, having a plan will help you determine the direction you want to take your business and make sure you are not wasting your time or money.

4. The importance of setting goals

When you're starting a business, it's important to have goals. Without goals, you'll never know when you've accomplished something, or where you stand. It's also important to set realistic goals. If your goal is to make $10,000 a year in your business, don't expect to be making $100,000 in your first year. It's also important to set goals that are challenging, but still possible to achieve.
When you have goals, it makes it much easier to stay motivated. When you have a goal, you start to see progress. And when you see progress, you're more likely to keep going.
When you have goals, you're also more likely to be successful. And being successful in your business is very important.

5. The importance of networking

When it comes to starting a successful business, one of the most important things you can do is build relationships. Not only will networking help you find potential customers, but it will also help you find the resources you need to start and grow your business.
When you network, you'll not only meet other business owners, but you'll also be able to learn from them. You'll also be able to find mentors who can help guide and support your business journey.

When it comes to networking, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you should always be networking in person. This is the best way to build relationships and make connections. Second, make sure to be polite and respectful when meeting new people. And finally, always try to be a good listener. Networking is about building relationships, and you want to make sure you are a valuable member of the community.

6. The importance of having a strong work ethic

Building a successful business is all about hard work and dedication. Although women have come a long way, we still have a ways to go in terms of being taken seriously and being praised for our accomplishments.
One of the most important things you can do to help your business succeed is to have a strong work ethic. This means putting in the hours, whether it's during the day or at night, and not letting anything stand in your way.
You also need to be prepared to work hard, whether it's during the early stages of your business or later on when you're facing some tough times. A good business plan, marketing efforts, and strong customer base are just a few of the things that will help you succeed.

7. The importance of taking risks

Entrepreneurship is not a walk in the park. It's a roller coaster with many ups and downs. The key to being successful is to take risks. If you're not willing to take risks, then you won't be successful.
There are two types of risks: calculated risks and unplanned risks.
Calculated risks are when you understand the risks and the potential rewards. For example, if you're starting a business and you're thinking about whether or not you should buy a business insurance policy, that's a calculated risk. You're weighing the pros and cons and you understand the risks.
Unplanned risks are when you don't know what the risks are. For example, you decide to start a business without any business insurance and you don't know what could happen if something goes wrong. That's an unplanned risk.

The important thing is to be willing to take risks. If you're not, then you'll never be successful.

8. The importance of being resilient

Resilience is one of the most important traits of entrepreneurs, whether they are women or not. Being resilient means being able to bounce back after tough times. It means having the ability to keep going even when the going gets tough. It means being able to keep your chin up even when things are going wrong.
It's one of the things that sets entrepreneurs apart from other people. It's what allows them to take on big challenges and to be successful in spite of them.
Being resilient doesn't mean you're always happy and that everything is rainbows and unicorns. It means you're able to take the good with the bad and that you're able to keep moving forward.

9. The importance of learning new skills

If you're a woman in business, you know that it's not easy. In fact, it can be quite challenging. But it's worth it.
One of the things that makes entrepreneurship so tough is the fact that you need to constantly learn new skills. You need to be able to pivot and change your strategy as the situation dictates.
One of the best ways to learn new skills is through entrepreneurship training. This type of training will teach you how to develop a business plan, market your business, and more.
It's also important to have a support system. You need someone to help you through the tough times and to give you feedback. Find a business mentor or group that you can connect with and get support from.

10. The importance of having a positive mindset

It's no secret that being a woman in business can be tough. From the discrimination and sexism we face on a daily basis, to the challenges of balancing work and family, we often times feel like we're up against insurmountable odds.
But that's where having a positive mindset comes in.

If you can learn to approach your business with a positive attitude, you'll be much more likely to achieve success. In this day and age, it's more important than ever for women to be successful in business. And there are plenty of resources available to help us achieve this.

One of the best ways to start building a positive mindset is to read self-help books and articles. This will help you learn how to deal with difficult situations and work through any hurdles you might encounter.

We hope you enjoyed our blog post on women in business. We know that there is a lot of information out there on the topic, and it can be hard to know where to start. In this post, we highlighted some of the best entrepreneurship training programs for girls. These programs will help you learn the basics of starting and running your own business. We are excited to see the successes of the women reading this post, and we hope that you will too! Thanks for reading!


Tuesday 17 May 2022

 Old Zambia

At the hour of Christ the occupants of Zambia were Bushmen, Stone Age trackers and finders. They chased impala with bows and bolts. They likewise trapped more modest creatures and they gathered products of the soil and assembled caterpillars and beetles. They carried on with a semi-roaming way of life and made windbreaks from stones and branches, of assuming they were remaining in one region for a season they made cottages of twisted posts and covered grass.

In about the fourth century Advertisement another influx of Bantu talking foreigners showed up from the north. They were ranchers and they had iron instruments and weapons. The ranchers developed sorghum and beans as well as bananas and sweet potatoes. They raised crowds of cows and goats. They likewise did some hunting with iron-tipped bolts. The ranchers likewise made ceramics.

They resided in little towns of twelve or so houses and every little town was pretty much independent. The ranchers made cottages of posts and machines organized with a focal nook where the dairy cattle and goats were kept around evening time. The men were covered in this nook when they passed on.

The ranchers rehearsed cut and consume farming. They continued on when they had depleted the dirt. The ranchers appear to have lived calmly close by the Bushmen for a really long time.


By the eleventh or twelfth hundreds of years a further developed Iron Age culture called Luanga culture had emerged. The first cultivating towns were chiefly independent yet by the twelfth very long term distance exchange was thriving.

One exchanging focus was called Inge-ambe-ilede (where the cows lies), close to the conversion of the Zambezi and Kafue. Cotton winding around, ivory cutting, and metalwork were completely carried on there. Copper was made into arm bands or it was made into crosses, which were utilized as cash. The populace rose and political units became bigger.

By 1500 coordinated realms emerged. Chewa in the east, Lozi in the west, Bemba and Lunda in the north were the biggest of these. In the sixteenth 100 years, a few men were covered with gold dots. The rulers likewise had glass dabs from the Indian Sea coast.


By 1500 the Portuguese were cruising around the shoreline of Africa (in spite of the fact that they didn't enter far inland). They brought new food varieties from the Americas, maize and cassava.

From the seventh century the Middle Easterners took slaves from Africa. The Portuguese likewise took slaves. They gave African rulers products as a trade off for slaves. So African clans struck different clans to catch captives to offer to the Portuguese. However, individuals of Zambia had no immediate contact with Europeans until the nineteenth 100 years.

In the mid nineteenth century Shaka, the Zulu ruler, started vanquishing adjoining people groups. He uprooted entire people groups across southern and focal Africa. The impacts were felt as far north as Zambia. One clan escaped from their home in South Africa. Their chief named the clan after his number one spouse, Kololo. In the 1830's they crossed the Zambezi and walked to the area north of the Victoria Falls. Later they walked west and repressed the Lozi realm of the Upper Zambezi. They established the Kololo realm. (Afterward, during the 1860s the Lozi figured out how to recapture control of their region).

One more individuals called the Ngoni left Shaka's space in the 1820's. They crossed the Zambezi in 1835 and went as far north as Lake Tanganyika. Later they got comfortable east Zambia. The Ngoni lived incompletely by attacking different clans or assaulting broker's troops.

The main European to visit the region was David Livingstone. He went there in 1851. He visited the Kololo realm and saw the aristocrats wearing English material that had been offered to Africans by the Portuguese in Angola. He was likewise the main European to see Victoria Falls. Livingstone framed a mission in the Kololo realm however it fizzled in light of the fact that the greater part of its individuals passed on.

Livingstone wished to change over the Africans and furthermore wished to stop the slave exchange. He realized the Africans needed European products and would offer captives to get them. He trusted he could supplant the slave exchange with genuine trade. He realized the Africans developed cotton and there was an enormous interest in it in Europe. There was likewise an European market for ivory (it was utilized to make consoles and snooker balls). Livingstone trusted he could convince the Africans to offer cotton or ivory to the Europeans as a trade-off for their products as opposed to selling slaves.

The thought fizzled on the grounds that merchandise would need to be taken to Mozambique for send out. Sadly a chasm in Mozambique made the stream unnavigable and moving merchandise by foot was excessively troublesome.

English Rule

After Livingstone Zambia was passed on to head out in a different direction for quite a long time. It went under English rule in the years 1889 to 1901 because of the endeavors of Cecil James Rhodes (1853 - 1902). In 1889 Rhodes set up the English South African Organization (SAC) to take advantage of minerals in southern and focal Africa. The English depository wouldn't fund states in Africa. Nonetheless, Rhodes and his organization made deals with African clans permitting them the option to prospect for and mine minerals.

Thursday 16 July 2020

First Coronavirus Vaccine Tested in Humans Shows Early Promise

The vaccine, developed by government scientists and Moderna, a biotech company, appeared safe and provoked an immune response in 45 people in a study.
Credit...Ted S. Warren/Associated Press
An experimental coronavirus vaccine made by the biotech company Moderna provoked a promising immune response against the virus and appeared safe in the first 45 people who received it, researchers reported on Tuesday in The New England Journal of Medicine.
Moderna’s vaccine, developed with researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was the first coronavirus vaccine to be tested in humans, and the company announced on Tuesday that large Phase 3 tests of it would begin on July 27, involving 30,000 people. Half of the participants will be a control group who will receive placebos.
The trial will need to show that those who were vaccinated were significantly less likely to contract the virus than those who got a placebo. The fastest way to get results is to test the vaccine in a “hot spot” with many cases, and the study is looking for people at high risk because of their locations or circumstances.
Vaccines and improved treatments are the only hope of returning lives back to anything close to normal, and dozens of companies are racing to develop vaccines. Experts agree that more than one vaccine will be needed, because no single company could produce the billions of doses needed.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Dear readers,

Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is bringing changes to our workplaces and communities. Amidst canceled events, remote working, uncertainty around projects and funding, and concerns for the the well-being of vulnerable communities, the sport, and development community is going through a challenging period.

However, the community is also proving its resilience. Many individuals and organizations are mobilizing to bolster global solidarity. We will continue to support the community and share further stories and initiatives in the coming weeks.

In this newsletter, we also feature the latest two articles in our #DoNoHarm series, on creating independent and sustainable sport for development projects and prioritizing evidence-based knowledge sharing.

In the meantime, the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace on 6 April will go ahead – digitally! Follow our dedicated page for the latest updates, tips, and commentary on how to celebrate sport’s contribution to development while maintaining social distancing.

Remember to take care, be kind, and support one another,

Sunday 7 April 2019

Our organization comes from different backgrounds; what we have in common is the drive to try and make change in a positive manner. We strive to gain more understanding so that we may help or support as many people as we can, like our 

Motto: Together We Can.

Our goal is to organize and maintain an environment which fosters the growth of our members and the community.